Sulis Scorpions road skills courses
Please Note
THESE ARE courses for SSYC members.
If you are not an SSYC member please do get In touch and I can suggest alternative dates
Road Skills TRaining
Level 2 and Level 3 Bikeability equivalent training available
level 3:
Complex road skills
Minimum age 12 years
2 hours of teaching
Level 2:
introductory road skills
minimum age 9 years
4 hours of teaching over 2 days
Price: £40 per child However, if you are
a SSYC member, the cost is subsidised to £20
I can teach up to 5 riders for level 2 training and 3 riders for level 3 training
I currently have some availability over half term for road training
I won’t be making course dates as it’s not possible at this time, however I am happy to teach family groups or bubbles (children who are regularly in contact with each other).
Please get in touch if you are interested and we can arrange dates and times.
Please Note
by clicking here you are in no way committing to a course you are merely sending me your details so I can contact you to talk further AND potentially secure a place
Are you interested in seeing the other courses and events you can join?